Wednesday, December 07, 2005

BLOG WAR: Butterstick v. Bandit

I LOVE A GOOD BLOG WAR, even if certain bloggers don't even know that they’re fighting over the same turf. The field of battle? ... Being rightful blogger of the inner voice of Tai Shan, the National Zoo's baby panda cub that has been going through a series of carefully choreographed coronation events to be crowned monarch of the Kingdom of Zoological Marketing.

In the left corner, we have Butterstick, a newcomer blogging over at Life in Black and White, who says "Don't hate me because I'm beautiful."

In the right corner, we have a really pissed-off Bandit, blogging over at the Inner Monologue of Bandit the Panda.

While it is an unofficial name, Butterstick has been pushed by bloggers and others for months and has gained some popular staying power, even if the Chinese don't eat butter. But don't tell that to Bandit, who is blogging under a name that hasn't gained popular support among a wide range of bloggers. Bandit might be the better, more established inner-voice panda blogger, but Butterstick has more popular unofficial support. That's the reality. Sorry Bandit.

But Bandit is pissed off by the existence of another inner-voice Tai Shan blogger.
I wanna go tear into some geckos or something. I gotta take my rage somewhere. ... Ok, I'm back. Don't ask what I just did to the pile of straw over by my favorite climbing rock.
Let the fight continue.


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