Tuesday, June 15, 2004

U STREET: Losing Its 'Chocolate' Flavor?

The Washington Times writes that gentrification is threatening U Street's role as Washington's historic Black Broadway. In fact, it is losing its "chocolate" flavor. (No word from the Times if "vanilla" is the replacement flavor.)

From The Washington Times' Adrienne Washington:
There's a joke going around that "the New U doesn't include any of the old U's." For many such as Ms. McCall-Haygan, a native Washingtonian who operates the Streets to Skills Social Service near 16th and U streets NW, feel that Sisterspace is symbolic of "what is happening throughout the city" as once-neglected neighborhoods are being redeveloped and property prices are skyrocketing.

While this isn't necessarily anything new, symbolically, when the Quizno's and the Starbucks moved in at 13th and U streets earlier this year, the corridor was officially was no longer up and coming -- it had already arrived. (One friend calls it Cleveland Park South.) So what's the new up and coming corner? 9th and U streets. Three years from now: 7th and Florida. Destination? NewYoFla! (New York Avenue-Florida Avenue-Gallaudet University metrorail station)

Upcoming. The Oculus has been working on an analysis of the U Street corridor. Expect that next week.

"U Street NW at risk of losing 'Chocolate' flavor" [The Washington Times]


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